Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The beginning steps

Sometimes I forget that I am going to be a dad soon. I have to remind myself that this is happening, and to be ready for it. Lately, my life has been crazy busy. I have barely had time to breath, or even go outside and just put my arms up. I have been so busy with my work, homework, family moving here from California, my car, and my baby who is on the way. One person I feel like I have been abandoning is my girlfriend. I have been so busy I have not got to go to bed at the same time as her. She is pregnant with my child for goodness sake; I should be spending more time with her. I have spoken with her about this issue, and she is very understanding. She knows that I am working as hard as I can to make a future for our family. I want nothing more than to provide for my family the best that I possibly can. This is why I am going to school so that I can achieve a degree in computer science. I want my son or daughter (we don’t know yet) to know the importance of being responsible. If they want great things in life, they will have to work hard to achieve those great things. My main goal is to provide everything my family needs. I want a nice home and a nice vehicle for my family. I’m not meaning a mansion, or a corvette (even though it is my favorite car), but a new home for my family to live in, and a nice van or family sedan. I know that the only way to get these things is by working hard. These are the things that my girlfriend and I discuss, other than us getting married.

1 comment:

  1. Once you are a dad, you will never forget it. :) Sounds like you have your ducks in a row and you are ready. ~Ms. A.
